Prototype sketchbook
Prototype sketchbook leafthrough from Jens Maria Weber on Vimeo.
Status: Work in fast progress, 170 x 240 mm, 240 pages approx.
These pics show a prototype dummy of some 180 pages intended to check out type, layout and general feel.
Content is centered around visual exploration of storytelling: Scenery and invention for film, book and non-client work. Just the things that lead up to the shiny, finished panels in the presentation. Since this is an „artist’s“ book, there will be some carefully worded insights in the art and the biz.
Emscher Nights
I spent the nights of fall and winter of 2017 walking the towns and fringes of the northern Ruhrgebiet and the Emscher valley.
There is an acuteness of hearing and a sense of something larger when visiting those drab and menial places at night. Things, animals and people restricted to the hours of darkness come out and start prowling. The daylight people can be reckoned as dead for a brief period and it really changes the game.
I collected quite a bit of impressions there and maybe it turns into something tangible. Something new is coming to those places and noone knows if it is to fear or to embrace.
„Hexenmacht“, der zweite Band aus der Reihe „Die Krone der Sterne“ von Kai Meyer ist im März zur Leipziger Buchmesse 2018 erschienen.
Wie immer ging dem Band ein Sommer voller Zeichnereien und akribischer Digitalarbeit voran. Viel Arbeit, aber am Ende ist man immer glücklich, ein schönes, geglücktes Buch in der Hand zu haben. Danke auch an die vielen geduldigen Leser und Leserinnen, die auf der Messe für die Signaturen angestanden haben. Ohne Publikum existiert die Welt nicht.
Fischer TOR
ISBN: 978-3-596-70174-2